NaturKidz was started by a busy mum looking for the hardest thing to find – healthy and easy kids snacks that kids will actually eat.

This innovative & award-winning snack range is made from nutrient dense food that is sliced or smooshed (technical term) then simply has the water removed using Freeze Drying technology.

This technology retains around 97% of the original nutrients, meaning your kids get a super healthy snack.

Best of all they are super yum! We know the battle of getting kids to eat well so we never compromise on taste.

Free from any additives, preservatives, added sugar, colours, flavours or icky things you can’t pronounce it’s pretty hard to find anyone that doesn’t like these (honest, we tried!).

A healthy snack your kid thinks is a treat?  

Chief Snack Buyers – we got you!

The super* mum behind NaturKidz and her healthy clever kid.

*between 8am-9am Fridays and Wednesdays


Only The Good Stuff

Our Fruit Crispz range is made in New Zealand where tonnes and tonnes of fruit each year gets wasted because it’s not perfect looking, but it’s still perfect.

So we say - pick it, slice it, dry it, pack it, enjoy it! This means fruit that otherwise wouldn’t have made it to the shelf, does as NaturKidz award-winning Fruit Crispz (we’re a wee bit proud of that)! Freeze-dried into a crunchy burst of flavour they’re a yum & healthy perfect match.

Our Veggie Meltz are made with 100% vegetables and let us tell you, they truly are Veggies in Disguise. Want your kids to snack on a healthy snack of spinach, tomato and sweet potato in a mess-free way? We got you!

Our Yoghurt Meltz are simply made - just 2 ingredients! Yoghurt (made with New Zealand milk) and fruit. No flavours, concentrates, gelatin, colours, added sugar seen here folks just a creamy fruity explosion of healthy yum!

Here’s where our delicious Organic Feijoa is grown in beautiful Ruby Bay, New Zealand


What Happy Snack Buyers Say…

“Oh wow! These are so good. My kids LOVE them and so do I!  Love, love, love that they are just fruit and full of nutrients. Best lunchbox snacks ever.”

— Lucy, mum of 2

“My three-year-old keeps asking for the Kiwifruit. So happy to know they are full of Vitamin C and fibre. I swear she’s had less bugs since we started eating these.”

— Eddie, dad of 1

These are soooo good. Yum, yum, yum!

— Willa age 8

Clever kids are NaturKidz

Clever kids are NaturKidz


Have Questions?

Our Ingredients

  • It’s what the astronauts use, honest! Freeze drying is an innovative technology that simply removes water from food but retains almost all of its original nutrients (97% in fact) at around 10-20% of the weight. Perfect if you’re in a spaceship or to be honest just want a crunchy, healthy, good for you snack that’s yum!

  • Do you see astronauts using air-dried food? JK, maybe they do? We’ve never been to space. But actually, freeze-drying is super gentle, and uses below zero temperatures (that’s the freeze part) to remove the water rather than heat (like with air dried). Because it’s gentle heaps of the original nutrients (97%!) are retained from our fruit – like vitamin C (obviously great for snotty noses)

  • We save fruit! In New Zealand alone, tonnes and tonnes of fruit each year gets wasted because it’s not pretty enough to pick, but it’s still perfect otherwise so we say - pick it! Then we use our magic, (astronaut) freeze-drying technology to turn it into super yum kids snacks.

    In the last year we have saved 19,000kg of fruit in the last year that otherwise may not have made it to shelf. And this number is growing!

    In New Zealand, we know who grows our fruit, like Unicorn Farms (yes, really) who grow our organic feijoas in sunny Ruby Bay in New Zealand – it’s run by Julian, he’s ace. And Stephan and his family who grow our apples in sunny (it’s a theme) Upper Moutere, in New Zealand, they’re also ace. We like to work with them to make sure the land is being looked after and that they don’t have to waste too much fruit.

    Much of our packaging is recyclable (the cardboard part) and we use ocean bound plastic for pallet wrap and courier envelopes from Better Packaging Co. Currently we are unable to recycle the packs in New Zealand but we are looking into options for this.

    We’re always working to find other ways to be kind to the planet and the people on it too – if you’ve got good ideas, we’d love to hear them

  • New Zealand-grown Gold Kiwifruit, Organic Feijoa, Blueberry and Apple for our Fruit Crispz.

    For our Yoghurt Meltz Range the milk in our yoghurt is from New Zealand.

    Then, Mangoes from Thailand, Strawberries from Egypt, Blueberries from China, Bananas, Sweet Potato, Tomato and Spinach from Malaysia.

  • Ah, we see you’re not from NZ. Feijoa (pronounced fee-jo-ah) is a small, delicious, green fruit a bit like a guava (but not a guava). It’s kinda grainy, and occasionally, if you’re lucky, you get one that makes your face pucker (in a good way) with a hit of feijoa sour. New Zealand is one of the only countries that eat feijoas on the regular (we’re about to change that, look out world NaturKidz is coming!). Feijoa season lasts approx. 7 seconds in NZ and, in that time, New Zealanders eat 12 x their weight in feijoas then spend the rest of the year wishing they had feijoas (it’s a fact, look it up)

  • NaturKidz Fruit Crispz in 4 yum flavours – Apple and Organic Feijoa Sticks, Gold Kiwi Slices, Apple Sticks and Blueberry, Apple Sticks.

    NaturKidz Yoghurt Meltz in 4 amazing flavours - Blueberry, Strawberry, Mango and Banana

    NaturKidz 100% Veggie Meltz in 2 delish flavours - Sweet Potato & Spinach, Sweet Potato and Tomato (they taste like Munchos IYKYK!)

  • Verified (by real kids): yum!

  • Our whole range is suitable for vegetarians.

    And our Fruit Crispz and Veggie Meltz are suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


  • Nah, why would we go and ruin a perfectly healthy & yum snack with added sugar!

  • Our Fruit Crispz Range and Veggie Meltz range are proudly dairy and gluten free.

    Our Yoghurt Meltz are proudly gluten free but do contain dairy on account of the New Zealand milk we make our yoghurt with.

  • No, we don’t 😊

    Goodness! Why would we do such a thing when real, wholefoods tastes so good!

  • No, thanks. Not here.

Nuts & Bolts

  • NaturKidz Fruit Crispz in 4 yum flavours – Apple and Organic Feijoa Sticks, Gold Kiwi Slices, Apple Sticks and Blueberry, Apple Sticks.

    NaturKidz Yoghurt Meltz in 4 amazing flavours - Blueberry, Strawberry, Mango and Banana

    NaturKidz 100% Veggie Meltz in 2 delish flavours - Sweet Potato & Spinach, Sweet Potato and Tomato (they taste like Munchos IYKYK!)

  • That’s me, Bonnie! I’m a busy (who isn’t?) mum to two kids who got frustrated trying to find convenient, and healthy toddler & kids snacks.

    After 17+ years in food and beverage industry I took the plunge and launched my own kids snack business, NaturKidz. Because I knew there were other mums out there just like me, looking for healthy and easy and yum!

    With NaturKidz I’m so proud to offer genuinely healthy toddler and kids snacks that don’t compromise on taste or convenience.

    Now my award-winning product range and business is in 6 global markets and has full distribution throughout New Zealand.

    NaturKidz - really, truly made by a mum, for mums :)

  • You can buy online here of course, or in New Zealand you can find the NaturKidz range in specialty shops, Woolworths, Fresh Choice, New World and Pak n Saves nationwide.

    We are also available in Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam and Malaysia. Please get in touch if you’d like more info about stockists in these countries.

  • Abso-hecking-lutely!

  • Verified (by real kids): yum!

  • Our Fruit Crispz we recommend age 3+

    Our Meltz Range we recommend age 12months+

    And of course, always seat you child upright and supervise them while eating 😊

  • We make our Fruit Crispz in New Zealand, with Felipe, Pamela, Stephan and the gang.  We make our Meltz in Malaysia with NZ milk and Zhi Wei, Ms Ong and the team look after us there 😊

  • Of course you do, you look like a clever person. Visit our Contact page and send us an email 😊

  • Why yes, we do! And we offer an excellent 30% discount if you subscribe.

    Simply add your desired subscription (or two or three or four) to your cart and proceed to checkout. It will then prompt you to set up an account, ask for payment details and tada you have subscribed!

    You can then manage or cancel your subscription from your account – simple 😊

    You will be charged on the 4-week frequency and we ask you try and do a minimum 2 months on the subscription (it’s an ace discount for subscribing after all).

    If you’d like a different frequency – please get in touch!

  • You know we’re gonna tell you to sign up to our newsletter for a discount off your first order, so…. sign up to our newsletter for a discount off your first order! See below!

  • Sorry, not yet (unless you’re a wholesaler) but keep in touch and maybe one day we will!

  • Yes! All orders over $60 qualify for Free Shipping.

    Simply use the code FREESHIP60 at checkout :)

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